This page is under construction. We’ve developed various new tools and created datasets that will be added here asap.
We maintain two Workspaces on GitHub and on Bitbucket to publish tools, datasets, and other research artifacts (e.g., replication packages, online appendices):
Methods and Processes
Contributed to the following tools and dataset repositories (more than half developed myself, see links for details).
Tools for Highly Configurable Systems and Variability Management
- Virtual Platform
- HAnS
- HAnS-viz
- ConfigFix
- PEOPL: Projectional Editing of Product Lines
- INCLINE: Intention-Based Clone Integration
- Feature Dashboard: open-source feature-location visualization tool
- Florida: Feature Location Dashboard (unpublished, closed-source tool for project partners)
- VTS: Variation Tracking System
- HAnS Extension for Clone Management
Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Tools
- GeoScenario2 (Geoscenario + maneuver models + behavior trees)
- GeoScenario
- Behavior-Tree-Based UI testing
- FeatX: configuration system with flexible feature binding times and modes
- Field-based testing of robotics systems (guidelines and exemplars)
- SERA: Self-Adaptive dEcentralized Robotic Architecture, and reference implementation
- PROMISE: Robotic mission definition workbench relying on a DSL (inspired by behavior trees) with graphical and textual syntax
- Behavior trees: online appendix to our TSE’23 paper (state machines and behavior trees); dataset of behavior trees and textual mission specifications
- Mission Specification Patterns: A catalog of patterns for specifying robotic mission (including template solutions in LTL/CTL) and tooling, see our technical report
- variability models (see TSE’13 paper)
- embedded feature annotations
Variability Analysis Tools
- FarCE: Feature Constraints Extraction (successor of the FeatureDependencyMiner project, see below)
- VMM: Variability Model Metrics suite
- CDLTools: analysis of CDL models used in the eCos operating system
- KBuildMiner: static analysis of build system code
- FeatureDependencyMiner: static analysis of C code to extract constraints among features from code, used in our ICSE’11 reverse engineering feature models paper
- FreeBSDMiner: various tools to analyze variability in FreeBSD
- TypeChef: Type Checking Ifdef Variability
- LVAT: Linux Variability Analysis Tools
- Smaller utilities
Ecosystem Mining Tools
- Ecosystem analysis: tools and datasets to analyze variability mechanisms and artifacts in Debian, Eclipse, and Android (joint work with Rolf-Helge Pfeiffer, Reinhard Tartler, and Steffen Dienst); for the Android analysis, also see our IST’14 paper
- Static analysis of Dalvik bytecode
E-Assessment Tools
- elateXam eAssessment tool used at the University of Leipzig (elateXam is the successor of ExamServer from the elatePortal project, now further developed and maintained by Steffen Dienst)
- elatePortal: eAssessment software for electronic exams, including a lightweight exam server, a full-featured portal (based on Apache Jetspeed2), and a flexible eAssessment framework (“tasklet” container), founder and main developer ** as part of this effort, I also contributed to Apache Portals Jetspeed 2
- Elques/Onyx: an IMS QTI-compatible editor, previous developer
- UebMan: Übungsbetriebs-Manager, tool to handle online assignments, including corrector workflow support, founder
Undergrad Student Projects
- Seagull Swarm Simulation: Boids swarm intelligence with some nice graphical effects in OpenGL, part of the OpenGL course at University of Leipzig
- JHPetri: graphical editor and simulator of hierarchical petri nets