PhD Student
Chair of Software Engineering
Ruhr-University Bochum
Bochum, Germany
Skype: If needed

In September 2023 I joined the Chair of Software Engineering as an Industrial PhD student. I was previously active at the chair assisting in supervising thesises and conducting research. My research focuses on levraging large language models to automate the process known as featurization, making code variable by introducing variation points.
Software systems often need to exist in different variants to account for diverse user requirements, such as hardware, runtime environments, or pricing strategies. Ideally, users could select the desired features and automatically obtain a customized variant. However, this requires adding variability into the software implementation techniques that realize variation points controlled by configuration options (a.k.a. features). With variability, features can be selected by users in configurator tools, which enables or disables the code that belongs to features. Unfortunately, features are often scattered across the codebase, interact with each other, depend on each other, and vary in their granularity. This makes the process called featurization complex.
In my research, we aim to automate this complex process by levraging llms and the traceability of features within a system. We perform systematic literature reviews, explore the usages of machine learning and llms and develop IDE plugins that aid developers in making software assets traceable.